OK, well either my eyes are sweating or I'm crying because I'm such a wuss about heat...
The building I work in has not yet turned on the A/C and according to the digital thermometer in my office it is 89 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. Clearly as a gentleman of Swedish decent I am built for the cold...and when it gets above about 65 degrees I start to get unhappy... 65-75 though I can still function. Anything above 80 and my brain begins to resemble a brain on drugs as depicted in the 1980's
I simply can't take it! Why is it so damn hot! Its not even May yet... Anyway the whole point of this entire post is to see if anyone has the knowledge or ability to make me a Snuggie composed entirely of those blue gel ice pack thingies. I could just cool it down in a cooler, then maybe have some sort of absorbant covering to soak up any condensation or sweat ('Essence of Swede' as its known in the fine food community). If anyone can make this happen please let me know ASAP. I don't have much time left before I become a boiling puddle like "Pizza the Hut"